Introducing Madiva, the handbag brand that represents every diva out there who believes that luxury shouldn’t come at the cost of harming animals or people. Madiva uses plant-based materials and collaborates with organizations that prioritize fair payment and healthy work environments, ensuring that people are supported and cared for while producing luxurious, trendy handbags.
We were very excited when Divine, the founder contacted to us. Studio Hoedt loves collaborating with brands that prioritize sustainability and give us the time and space to create the perfect branding. We’re proud to announce that we have created a unique typographic logo for Madiva that perfectly captures the luxurious essence of the brand. In addition to the logo, we have also designed Madiva’s brand identity. From color schemes to typography … the brand identity has been thoughtfully crafted to reflect Madiva’s values and mission.
Logo desgin
Brand identity